Monday 9 February 2009

UK Shares Recomendation

Hello friends, i'm back afer 2 months on vacation.

My stock recommendations for 2009

WARNING - IMPORTANT NOTICE : this is only my opinion, there is no guarantee that any of these shares will rise. They could fall sharply. Do your own research. Do not risk your hard earned money.

What do i think should outperform in 2009-2010.


This company will reap the royalties from the manufacture of Electric Cars. A contract with Ford to release electric vehicles in 2010 looks very attractive. A great opportunity is there to sign new contracts with other car manufacturers too. I think this should send the share price higher towards the later part of 2009 if the world economys show any sign of recovering. At the moment the sale of cars have plummeted which i think is another negative factor why share price is low.

the share price was 6.5p as of 5th feb 2009



The owners of Currys & PC World looks like a stock that has fallen too low in my opinion. It has bounced off its lows of 10p and now stands at an over 100% gain of 22p. I think this might go down slightly because of profit taking. I'm looking for a recovery from easter onwards.
This stock used to be around the £2 mark a few years ago. I can see this edging towards 50p near christmas.

Share price 22p as of 5th feb 2009



A speculative recommendation of mine, i've read good things happening with this company. I've placed a small punt on this at 1.75p.



This gas exploration company has qualified for a licence to commence drilling soon in North Africa, Algeria. It has major financial backing from Spanish energy firm Iberdola. It claims that it is sitting on massive volumes of gas.
At 3.90p i could see this going up above 10p as soon as you can smell gas

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