Sunday 6 December 2009

My Stock Picks For 2010

Here are some of the stocks that i am predicting that could outperform in 2010.

Always remember to do your own research before you part from your hard earned money.
Your money is at risk, don't take these as guaranteed targets. It is only of my opinion.
Also take note company review & recomendation can change from this date to say a month later or year later
Software (SRT) 10p 25p

Nyota Minerals (NYO) 7.5p 20p

Matra Petroleum (MTA) 3.55p 8p

Plus Markets (PMK) 5.75p 25p

3 I Group (III) £2.75 £4.50

Bahamas Petroleum (BPC) 50p

some wild gambles that could multibag or could potentially go bust

Sareum (SAR) 0.40p

Solo Oil (SOLO) 0.525p

Herenica (HER) 0.56p

Tricor (TRIC) 0.06P

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