Sunday 12 December 2010

Be Proud To Be An Indian

Who Is The Co Founder Of Sun Microsystems

Who Is The Creater Of The Pentium Chip

Who Is The Founder And Creator Of Hotmail

India Invented The Number ZERO
It Was Invented By ARYBHATTA

CHESS Was Invented In India

SNAKES & LADDERS Was Created By The 13th Century Indian Poet SAINT GYANDEV

38% Of Doctors In The USA Are INDIAN

12% Of Scientists In The USA Are INDIAN

36% Of NASA Scientists In The USA Are INDIAN

34% Of Microsoft Employees are INDIAN

28% Of IBM Employees are INDIAN

17% Of INTEL Scientists In The USA Are INDIAN

Algebra Trigonometry And Calcus Came From India

Quadratic Equations Where By Sridharacharya In The 11th Century.

The "Place Value System" And The "Decimal System" Were Developed In India 100 Years BC.

The Value Of PI Was First Calculated By The Indian Mathematician BUDHAYANA, And He Also Explained The Concept Of Pythagorean Theorem. He Discovered This In The 6th Century, ALong Before European Mathematicians.

BHASKARACHARYA Correctly Calculated The Time Taken By The Earth To Orbit The Sun Hundreds Of Years Before The Astronomer Smart......Which Is 365.258756484 Days

ALBERT EINSTIEN said "We Owe Alot To The Indians Who Taught Us How To Count, Without Which No Worthwhile Scientific Discovery Could Have Been Made."

Until 1896 India Was The Only Source Of Diamonds In The World.

India Was Once The Richest Empire On Earth

The Four Religions Born In India Are : Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism & Sikhism

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