Sunday 20 February 2011

Meanings Of A Dream

Some Common Dreams What People Dream from various websites

What does it mean for teeth to fall out in a dream
When you dream your teeth are falling out, it can mean that you have been talking too much lately. Maybe you have been gossiping more than usual, maybe you have said the wrong thing to someone, or maybe you have been speaking without thinking first. This dream can tell you that you have been being too blunt with your speech. It may mean you have subconsciously realised that you said something that you wish you had not said.
Sometimes when we dream of our teeth falling out, we are actually concerned about our physical appearance. Think of how important your smile is to your looks. If you dream your teeth are falling out, you may actually be upset with some other aspect of your physical appearance and feel that you are unattractive. This is especially true if you dream you are looking into a mirror when you notice your teeth are falling out. As we age, many of us become worried about wrinkles and grey hair, but remember to tell yourself that you are still beautiful – not matter how old you are!

Paralysis Dream Meaning
Psychological Meaning: You may feel that you are unable to act to deal with a situation or inner problem. It is likely that your own attitudes and emotional baggage are making you unable to act. You may have fears or anxieties about a general or specific issue that are troubling you in more ways than you admit. For every problem, there is a solution. Keep a careful note of your dreams for the rest of this week for they may offer solutions to help you resolve your hidden anxieties. If you dream of someone else being paralysed, they may represent an aspect of yourself that is not being given free expression. Similarly, if you dream of a paralysed animal, your instincts and sexual feelings may be inhibited. (Some psychologists claim that repeatedly dreaming of paralysis is a sign that your diet needs changing.)
Mystical Meaning: It was once believed that the ‘nightmare’ was a huge spirit which sat on people while they slept. The feeling of being paralysed was caused because of this demon. In Europe, the solution was to sleep with a knife near the bed because evil spirits feared iron and steel.

Lost or Trapped
Dreaming about being lost is very common and will usually occur when you are having conflict in deciding how to react in a situation in real life. In the dream you are trying to find your way out of an area – such as a forest, city streets, a large building, or other maze-like structure. Another way this dream plays out involves you being trapped, buried alive, caught in a web, or unable to move for some other reason. This is often accompanied by a feeling of terror. This dream usually means that you are trapped in real life – unable to make the right choice.

Falling or Sinking
We have all had falling dreams – it is such a common dream, in fact, that myths have arisen over them; the most common myth is, of course, that you will die if you hit the ground in the dream. I can assure you, having hit the ground in more than one falling dream, that this is not true at all. In the falling dream we are usually falling through the air and frightened. Occasionally we may be sinking in water (and in danger of drowning). Typically a person having this dream is feeling insecure or lacking in support in their waking life. These dreams often occur when you are overwhelmed in life and feel ready to give up. If you have this dream you should evaluate your current situation and try to locate the problem that is overwhelming you. Deal with it and this dream should go away.

Being Chased
Dreaming of being chased can be a truly horrifying experience. Most often the chaser is a monster or some person that is frightening, and occasionally it may be an animal. You may be surprised to know that this is the most commonly experienced nightmare theme. The meaning of these dreams is that someone, something (possibly something as obscure as an emotion) is making you feel threatened. One way to determine the root of the threat is to ask yourself who or what in your real life most closely resembles the “creature” or circumstance in your dream. It is also worth noting that sometimes this dream is a replay of an actual event in your life.

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